Vote Now! Republican Primary Poll 3!

Vote Republican

Due to popular demand the choices are in random order this time.


        • I have looked at his policy statements. Not there. I have listened to all posted speeches and heard live two speeches and that was not said. The person or persons posting that he would mandate vaccinations is at best misinformed at
          worst toying with people for the fun of it or routing for another candidate. How
          sad . There are certainly better methods to have fun or promote another.


      • Your statement is not accurate. Dr. Carson recommends vaccination he said he would not ever force it! You are doing a disservice to all by making such a


  1. my only concern is the hiring of a candidate who doesn’t really know the ins and outs of how government works is a bad idea. Id rather have someone who has worked in the senate or congress and has a good clean record because, someone who hasn’t they have to learn. when debriefed it gives them an opportunity ” to change” what they would do or what they said they would do. when in reality they can not do those things at all. take Obama for instance with ending the war in Iraq. he ran on this but couldn’t end any war because, of an agreement called SOFA. which in reality made us stay as long as we had to in Iraq. although his anti-war agenda hurt our mission in Iraq and he scaled down our mission he did not end the war SOFA ended the war.

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  2. Dr Ben Carson is one candidate they can’t find anything negative to smear his image. He is strong in his faith and love for God. He loves America. Read his book God Bless America. He is articulate yet witty. He has strong family values that will be carried into the oval office. I believe wholeheartedly that Ben Carson is the president we have been searching for. He will bring God back and the fallen country will once again become the shining America we once knew. God bless Dr. Carson to become our next president.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I like him to but when it comes down to our soldiers he act like a topical political leader and he’s to passive easy to forgive someone and that doesn’t work anymore


      • He’s definitely NOT passive but a great supporter of what is right. He knows what is wrong and is the person to do the job. He’s compassionate about all the people and is not a rabble rouser or loud and boisterous. That is a wonderful relief from all the other loudmouths!!



      • You would change your mind if you read any of his books or listened to his speeches on info@2016Committee.Org or On Prayer Breakfast Speech. He does have compassion for those that are not able to perform any worthwhile task not for
        those who will not try and are able.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Ben Carson is weak in abortion and weak in small government. He has advocated for mandatory vaccinations. He is also weak on traditional marriage. He claims the courts have spoken. Well, they spoke on many issues and their voice was not the final voice. As a black skinned man, he should know this.


      • Who are you listening to and where do you get your facts??? You are so far from the truth, but I guess you’re one of those that can’t see the forest for the trees!!



      • Jomotro, It is hard to understand your concern. You say weak in small government. What does that mean? Do you prefer a large or larger government? If so, Russia would love to have you and many other countries as well. You said, weak in abortion, what does that mean? He is strongly against the use of abortion (killing babies) as a birth control method. There are muliple methods to prevent births that should be the preference to killing babies at taxpayer expense. He is a pediatric neurosurgeon. His career has been saving lives. He has revealed that the abortions are largely done in poor
        black neighbor hoods. People could be supplied with birth control method and
        not have to resort to killing infants.


    • I totally agree with you!! He’s the one man who can really make changes. He’s a great thinker and solution finder AND a devout Christian who looks to God for guidance in all areas of his life. He is for US!! and these UNITED STATES!.


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  3. Ben Carson is smarter than any other candidate running! Ben Carson is the best Man to turn this country around an make it better an stronger with God as his Leader.

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    • Rand Paul is a surgeon just like Ben Carson… In fact he was just doing eye surgeries last week.
      And Rand Paul is a Freshman Senator (aka “political outsider”) who has made more positive impact than just about anyone else in the Senate OR House, pretty much single handedly taking on the illegal bulk collection of U.S. citizen’s phone records, closing down the mis-named Patriot Act. Nobody else has done more to defend our Constitution. Just saying… Ben Carson may be smart but Rand Paul has already proven that he can get results.

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      • Ben Carson is smart in the right way! He’s for US, looks to GOD for guidance, and quite simply – he can solve anything that comes up, with the best and most sensible answers!! He’s a great thinker and would not make hasty or irrational decisions!



      • I admire Rand Paul for many reasons but Dr. Ben Carson has the ability to unite this country like none of the others. He expresses love for all folks with nearly every sentence. He cares so deeply for this country he is willing to serve it at the expense of a well deserved retirement. He believes in leading through strength and personally has spent time and money for the Carson Scholars Program to improve education in every state. He can inspire the poor to improve themselves with a free library card like he did and escape the
        welfare trap. He has lived at every economic level and understands all the pitfalls and hurdles that must be faced and overcome to succeed. Dr. Carson has shone he knows the enemy within and the ones abroad and has developed plans to stop their impact. Rand Paul has adopted his fathers stance that the USA has caused the Jhadist, and Muslim extremist problem in
        the world. That is false as they existed prior to the USA’s existense. Obama is
        under similar false belief. Please, we must be strong enough to handle this
        difficult problem before all is lost.


  4. We do NOT need more “politicians”! All those presently in office have been complicit since BEFORE the election of this current imposter, by not preventing an illegal from occupying the Oval Office! Furthermore, since the election of 2008, they’ve FAILED to remove this muslim with his marxist and unconstitutional anti-American actions and agenda.
    Therefore, not only are they themselves NOT eligible for the esteemed Office of POTUS, they are also subject to arrest and imprisonment for not upholding the oath they took to defend America against all enemies, foreign and domestic.
    We need men and women of integrity and commitment to our Constitution to bring our country back to its foundations and out of the jaws of tyrannical government.

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  5. one who grew up destitute and thanks to his mom did what the American dream is all about ben carson can relate to povert y and his medical back ground also with to the uppercrust , having heard his platform and solutions I would hope americans can see what a great man this would be as a president

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  6. America needs a Christian, Military Man like Mr. Perry—-He can do for our country what he has done for Texas——We don’t need a bunch of big talk—we need RICK Perry—-who stands on his record !


    • There is another Christian Texan with an even better record than Perry, and that man is Ted Cruz. Perry is not doing well while Ted Cruz is picking up steam. By the time primaries roll around, Trump will be out and Cruz will be the nominee.


    • I have liked Rick Perry a long time as well. He just isn’t showing as well as he should to be a winner in this race. We need someone who will cause a landslide of votes to counter all the illegal, dead, and duplicate votes! He isn’t showing that well.


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