GOP Primary Poll! Post December Debate.


Christie was out, but he got back into the top tier.  Vote for the candidate you want to be nominated as the Republican to run against Hillary!  Voting is limited to one vote per hour.

After voting, hit the HOME button at the top of the page to see all of my blog posts!  Thank you!

AMP (Anna Maria Perez)


  1. The GOP is pushing somebody else since their fair-haired boy Jeb was a loser, Rubio is too, now Christie fits tgeir muslime agenda. The muslimes are registering to vote en masse. We should all be worried and get behind the candidate who will enforce the law, islam is ILLEGAL in this country.


  2. Christie is OUT! NO sympathizers of ISLAM in the Presidency of the USA!!!
    Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) named Christie to their “Best List”. CAIR has declined to denounce terror organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah, and has close ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    Liked by 1 person

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