Trump Must Unite the Right, Not Attack Rights!


Donald Trump is the GOP nominee in the 2016 Presidential election.  It would be disastrous for Hillary to move back into the White House.  Yet as of today, Hillary Clinton has taken a double digit lead over Donald Trump in a new Bloomberg Poll.  Complain about the source of the poll all you want, it still doesn’t change the fact that Donald Trump will have a very hard time winning against Hillary.  This election will not be a walk in the park for him.

Many conservatives, especially those who are part of the #NeverTrump movement, which I am not, really want to see something from Donald Trump that gives us a good reason to jump on board the proverbial Trump Train. We want to actually support him in the general election rather than hold our nose to vote for the lesser of two evils or simply stay home.  Day after day, we look for something… anything.  Then he goes and says something like, “No Fly, No Buy,” meaning that if you are on the No Fly List, you can’t buy a gun.  This is patently absurd considering that anyone with evil intent can buy a gun faster than they can get a pizza delivered.  No law will change that.

For all of you who are Trump supporters, this message goes to you and is not intended as something to be taken negatively.  This is an important, maybe slightly bitter reality pill that you need to swallow.  You really need to have conservatives and others on the right who oppose Trump on your side if you expect Trump to win the election.  You have to stop the infighting and start working toward getting those you taunted for months, to show up to the polls and pull the lever for Donald Trump.  You can’t do that if you continue to allow your candidate to stick his foot in his mouth.  I am not talking about bad mouthing the media or bashing illegals, feminists and muslims.  He should double down on that.

Trump can’t get away with claims of being pro 2nd Amendment if he comes out and says that he is willing to violate the rights of Americans on the sole basis of their being added to a list.  The No Fly List is a violation of 5th Amendment right of due process.  People are barred from flying simply because they have the same name as someone who is under suspicion.  Being under suspicion is never grounds for sentencing.  You can’t be jailed for being suspicious.  You can’t have rights taken for being suspicious.  The No Fly List doesn’t even require you to be suspicious, just have the wrong name.

The Federal Government has no authority to determine who can travel or where they travel to domestically.  Article 1 Section 8 of the Constitution does not enumerate such a power, so this violates the 10th Amendment.  If it can’t be legislated by Congress, The TSA, an unconstitutional agency, certainly can’t wield that power.  Federal authority regarding travel stops at the U.S. border.  A No Fly List for foreigners entering our country is fine and a great idea.  We don’t have to allow anyone entry to the United States.  The government has no such authority over Americans, especially when used as a stepping stone to infringe on other rights.  If someone is actually involved with Islamic terrorism groups then they should be on the Mandatory Fly List and sent back where they belong or thrown in prison if they are found guilty of a crime.

It is up to you Trump supporters to advise Donald Trump to get an adviser!  Yes, he has plenty of advisers, but he is missing one.  He needs a Constitutional Adviser.  Someone needs to explain to Trump what he can’t say if he wants to unite the right.  He earns no credible claim to being pro 2nd Amendment if he goes out there and proposes stripping 2nd Amendment rights from certain groups of his choosing.  Rein in your guy, Trump supporters.  You have to.  This isn’t about sticking it to Cruz supporters any longer, it’s about winning them over.  You can’t do that if Trump doesn’t show knowledge of and respect for the Constitution.  True knowledge and respect, not just saying, “believe me.”  Supporting Trump by repeating that “Trump is Right” can’t work if Trump is wrong.  Help him! I understand that the divisiveness goes both ways, but I am only appealing to Trump supporters here.  Please help others want to join you.

We have a justice system in America which requires that innocence is assumed until guilt is proven in a court of law.  Until such time as your guilt is proven, you enjoy every right that all Americans do.  It doesn’t matter who you are.  That’s what American liberty is founded on.  That’s what true “equal rights” means.  Due process is an absolute, unalienable, God given right.  Bearing arms is an absolute, unalienable, God given right.  Trump supporters, it doesn’t matter how you do it.  Do it in private if you like.  But straighten out your guy if you want him to be our guy.  Do you want to see Hillary win in November and have the #NeverTrump crowd saying, “I told you so?”  It’s up to Trump’s supporters to keep that from happening.

If Trump is who we have nominated, then he must win and can only do so if the right is united.  Please don’t let Hillary choose Scalia’s replacement, because we don’t want to help our nominee improve a little!

AMP (Anna Maria Perez)

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  1. as soon as the person wrote Trump doesn’t know the Constitution and doesn’t care about it-dead give away. this was a Cruz supporter. they all believe nobody knows,cares about or understands the Constitution but Cruz. as for Trump being conservative or not-he wants to protect the 2nd amendment, stop illegal immigration and cut taxes as well as appoint conservative pro life justices. How is that NOT Conservative? How do i know he will do this? The NRA endorsed him. The border patrol endorsed him.Jeff Sessions and Phyliis Schafly endorsed him. So i guess they’re not conservative either.


    • I have never endorsed any candidate. You need to stop driving a wedge between you and people who supported Cruz or you WILL lose this election. Especially if you dismiss the Constitution as trivial.


      • While I didn’t vote for either Cruz or Trump in the primary, I understand that the democrats are the culmination of the slow and steady advance of the Marxists that infiltrated this country at the end of the 19th century, and Hillary Clinton must not be allowed to win the presidency. Trump, unrefined, unfiltered, uneducated in constitutional matters, is not a part of the dominant political complex. At worst Trump is unpredictable and unreliable, at best he is able to learn, adapt and implement a sensible constitutional agenda. We can survive under president Trump. We will have to fight to survive under president Hillary.

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  2. Some less hysterical conservatives have been asking for this kind of logical support since BEFORE Donald Trump sewed up the nomination. We had 17 choices; some way better than others, but the voters made their choice, and it’s up to us all to find a way to accommodate each other. I thought you were unusually polite in appealing to all factions, but you still got a bunch of uncompromising blow back. We need to keep the big picture in mind. Failure to do that will destroy what’s left of our country – then all the petty feuds in the world will be completely irrelevant.

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    • I really did try being as polite as possible while at the same time I was pretty upset, so I can’t say if I was very successful. Hehe But yes, we have our nominee and I see no reason why anyone should assume he is perfect and take exception to our wanting to make him even better.


    • That’s fine. Not how you win over people to vote for Trump, but that’s your choice. I am trying to help you. You can’t keep alienating conservatives and expect them to come to the polls in November.


        • I wrote what I think we should do in my article that you got all mad about. Get Trump a Constitution Adviser and teach him how to unite the entire right and stop pandering to the left. Whether he knows it or not, calling for an unconstitutional 2nd class citizen list, is pandering to the left. Just because Trump opens his mouth isn’t reason to fawn over him and agree. He knows nothing about the Constitution and I implore him to learn. You should want that. You should want your nominee to appeal to all of us and unite us.


  3. the bloomberg poll is bunk for one thing.For another,Trump is the nominee. It’s not about browbeating anyone. We don’t need to ‘rein’ in the candidate. If he had played that game he would be down the tubes with the Bushes and Romney’s. He won. He’s the nominee. We’re to rally around our nominee.PERIOD. The article is a waste of time. If you don’t want to support Trump.Fine.Vote Hillary. So what has Trump done his entire life that you have your panties in a knot?
    He didn’t get where he is because he’s stupid and he didn’t beat 17 other candidates because he’s stupid. Had enough of this trash. Do as you will.i’m moving along.


    • Yes, you can’t have a candidate that you claim is pro 2nd Amendment when he attacks it. We can’t start taking right from people on mere suspicions.


        • I don’t endorse the moderate NRA, so why would I care who the NRA endorses? An NRA endorsement is almost a bad thing in my opinion. He sure didn’t get the Gun Owners Of America endorsement. Why? THEY are the actual 2nd Amendment defenders. Not the NRA. The NRA has been behind a lot of unconstitutional, anti 2nd Amendment legislation, such as the Brady Bill.


          • You Rock! The NRA has sold Americans 2nd Amendment Rights down the river in several cases, starting in 1934. They do it in the name of Appeasement. On the other issue; We now have a choice between “International Fascism” or “Nationalized Fascism.” If we elect Trump, we would re-secure our Sovereignty, and stand a chance of reigning it in. If we elect Hillary, we will stand against the World when we try to reign it in.
            “The Appeaser is the One who feeds the Alligator, expecting to be Eaten Last.” Winston Churchill

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    • Here’s the thing. You want to win in November. We all do. We don’t want Hillary. But there is a division within the party. You have to see it from the points of view of people who supported other candidates. They feel as if Trump supporters are prodding them and saying, “nanny, nanny, boo boo, we won! Now you have to jump on the Trump Train.” It’s causing more divisiveness. I don’t want Hillary picking Scalia’s replacement. You absolutely need to bring the Never Trump people to the polls to vote for Trump or he will lose and then Hillary will be saying “Nanny nanny boo boo.” The advice may shatter the illusion that Trump is a messiah, but it has to be faced. People are running over to a third party candidate that no one even knows in far too large of numbers. Trump is going to get Ross Peroted by Gary Johnson if you Trump get off your high horses, and put out an olive branch. You need someone to reach out to Trump too, to explain to him that he needs to represent the people in the Never Trump movement a little more. Again, he needs another adviser.


      • if i remember correctly whoever the nominee was we were supposed to rally around that person. In fact they all signed a pledge to do so. That was true UNTIL it turned out to be Trump. So it’s not boo boo we won,k? It won’t do any good to reach out to the Never Trumpers. They wanted Bush first of all. He was supposed to be the one crowned this time. They made up their minds they wanted one of their own and they’re not going to settle for less. In fact they intend to get Hillary elected(they being Ryan and Romney among others),then blame Trump for the loss so they can run one of their own in 2020. That’s their plan. Talking to them isn’t going to do a bit of good. if you don’t believe this i can give you proof positive. So who’s on the high horse? Let that sink in.


        • Yes, we want to unite. That is my point, but you got all angry. We don’t need to unite behind unconstitutional demands of our nominee. It’s not unreasonable to hold him in check and try to make him a better nominee for all of us. He isn’t Jesus.


      • Trump is no savior. He’s a patriot. We’ve been waiting a long time for someone like him to come along and now we want to piss it away.Excuse my french but there’s no better way to put it


    • @therasberrypalace: What has “Trump done his entire life” that makes you think he’s a Conservative? And no, he didn’t “get where he is because he’s stupid and he didn’t beat 17 other candidates because he’s stupid”, he did that IN SPITE of being stupid. If you’re not as bright as Trump (and it appears that a depressing number of GOP voters aren’t) then of course he’s going to appear smart to you. For everyone else, though, it’s patently apparent that he’s not only an ignoramus when it comes to politics, he’s dangerously thin-skinned when it comes to getting his feelings hurt. I don’t want to wake up some day and find that Trump has ordered a nuke attack against some benighted country and have Trump explain it by saying “Well they started it!”…

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      • do you really want to talk stupid. First of all the President-no President-can simply order a nuclear attack. 2. you’re calling millions of voters stupid voting for a man who became successful in spite of being stupid. Evidently the Wharton School of Finance was also stupid for admitting him.It’s one of the most difficult schools to get admission to. Trump is not thin skinned. He had 1k upon 1k of negative ads put out against him. They spent millions on these attack ads. He had no super pacs going after the other 17 candidates( having disavowed the pacs). It’s called defending yourself. Ok.He’s an ignoramus when it comes to politics.Good. Those ppl really do know how to play the game. We don’t need more of those.


        • And yet his ignorance, lack of honesty, and childlike boorishness are there for all to see. You’ve sold your honor for a snake oil salesman and you’re desperate to rationalize it. He’s been coddled his entire life and will fold like a paper fan the first time someone like Putin calls his bluff. Yes, his supporters are many and all are either too dim to realize that he’s a huckster, or have been blackmailed/paid off to give him free publicity. By all means stick with him; just be ready to hide the fact that you supported him after his shortcomings become apparent to the world…

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      • question;remember all those ‘conservatives’ that got elected to Congress? What exactly did they do that makes you think they’re conservative? They’re the ones blasting Trump. The truth is; it’s not about Conservatism.It’s about belonging to their little conservative club that depends on what they think it is(as the moment). Know what they really care about? Getting elected,getting re-electing and protecting their gravy trains. Time to wake up. They would prefer a Hillary presidency to a Trump? Seriously.You have to wonder why since she’ll be an extension of Obama. I voted McCain and Romney both in an effort to stop Obama.Now Romney has turned into Mr Backstabber. That’s it for me.Ask yourself another question; if Trump is so liberal (as you ppl seem to think)what’s with all the VIOLENT Soros anti Trump riots?


        • Nope, I don’t remember any conservatives getting elected to Congress. I remember a bunch of RINOs being elected and said so at the time. Republican does not equal conservative. I give you Donald Trump as a prime example.


  4. I couldn’t even read your article due to your headline. The republican party in whole needs to jump on the Trump train. Or shut up. Paul Ryan, and like minded people need to stop being devisive. That is the problem make no mistake about that. For a Speaker to voice his disapproval of the parties choise is political suside. Hear my words well they will be proven right should we lose the White House.
    Ryan, is by BHO’s assessment “a traitor”
    The USA is now being overthrown from within. Don’t be surprised it’s been going on for years. Don’t doubt my words. Not backing Trump is a vote for the opposition party that wants to end America as we know it and turn it into a slum like every country the illegal aliens come from.
    Disagreement with my assessment shows ones outright stupidity.
    Feel free to disagree. What you can agree with me is that we’ve become a corrupt country. That infuriates me as much as it breaks my heart.
    I know more about our political misdeeds as anyone “in the know” dares talk about. I am right.
    I would rather be right than happy as happiness doesn’t last.
    America can last but not after Nov 6.
    Should Trump not be elected.
    Trump, is going to save America. Trump, is going to make America great again. Why? Because we are a corrupt nation under Siege. They are winning. Americans are losing. America will not survive.

    Get behind Trump and Unite or give up your first amendment your guns your freedom your money.

    And welcome the third world country that America will and has become because of the ignorance of your own self pride.

    Is delusional to think that America can withstand for more years of corruption and still be a country


    • Wouldn’t vote for Trump if he was running against Jimmy Carter… Here’s a voter tip: Don’t jump on someone’s bandwagon based only on what that somebody SAYS he’s going to do, especially if what he SAYS he’s going to do doesn’t jibe with what he’s done his entire life… Plus, he may be the dumbest candidate to ever get the nomination (if indeed he gets it).

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    • You need to read the article more than anyone else. No one is going to jump on the Trump Train, because you brow beat them into it and insult them. You need to rein in your candidate. Seriously… Read the article. It’s not negative, it’s positive and gives you information you need to help bring people on board.


  5. You can scream til you are blue but all of us knew this was going to blow up into a gun control opportunity for the tyrants. just when the POTUS is accelerating the influx of Syrian refugees and Hillary wants the increase of 500% more refugees, the dems push to grab guns from citizens. Trump not only doesn’t understand the constitution he doesn’t care about it. He is double digits behind the harpy in the polls, he thinks he has the conservative voters over a barrel so maybe in the attempt to get liberal cross over votes he will side with the gun grabbing tyrants. We can hope, pray but looking at his history, I have serious doubts.

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